eight-year-old doctor’s writing

image text translation

(1)What I felt after 8 years as a doctor
(2)Doctor, jā˜…
(3)1 Alcoholism never ends before you die
(4)I have to die to stop drinking even with pitot and intersex marriage
(5)There are too many people taking mental medicine
(6)Usually, the idea of hygiene disappears. It’s amazing
(7)In 310 years, children and elderly people will die without going to the hospital No, it’s already in progress
(8)There is no pediatric emergency room at the university hospital where I am
(9)4. The phenomenon of unpopularity and avoidance became worse
(10)I got my scores right and went to the department
(11)Now, I will avoid unpopularity even if I have to do it again
(12)There is no doctor to save people
(13)Five poor pups are the worst
(14)I tremble whenever I see people on basic welfare
(15)When I see the kids who come and mess with me, they’re all recipients
(16)6 The risk of litigation has increased too much
(17)Doctor, you need to prove why you’re not at fault
(18)It’s really stressful to prove that I’m not at fault
(19)I’ll take a lesson
(20)Who wants to kill
(21)Doctor Seven is a fixed 38 months in the army
(22)Of course, it’s better than active duty
(23)We can’t go even if we want to go to
(24)Forced 38 months
(25)Eight intern salaries were 180
(26)I worked 108 hours a week
(27)There was a major law, and legally, now 88 sisan roll
(28)I think it’s 300 at the moment
(29)How this unconventional inhumane labor persists
(30)I don’t understand
(31)What I want to say to the 9th-class doctors is that even if you vomit blood, bye
(32)I mean, don’t get sick
(33)If you’re going to bring a sense of duty, you’ll be able to prevent a lawsuit
(34)If there’s a direction, do it
(35)If you ask me if I want to be a doctor again
(36)Yeah, I’m going to be a doctor again
(37)I’m not going to the department that saves people, but I’m going to take care of my skin

image text translation

(1)11 Dr. Vital already abandoned his department and planted his hair
(2)I’m working out of plastic surgery
(3)I don’t have a seat and I can’t make money
(4)Most doctors work with a sense of duty
(5)At least the university hospital I work in
(6)Professor of cardiology who lives in front of the hospital to pierce the blood vessels of patients with myocardial infarction
(7)Neurosurgery professor who is always on call because of surgery for cerebral hemorrhage patient
(8)If you lose one doctor like this, the local patient with myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage will die without going to the hospital
(9)He gives up his life and works, and the rewards for that are too small
(10)Wouldn’t a doctor want to spend a life with dinner and family
(11)How long will I have to force my personal sense of duty


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