a person who abstained from the Yellow Envelope Act

image text translation

(1)The Yellow Envelope Act passed the National Assembly plenary session and the Democratic Party handled it alone
(2)Reporter Kim Ji-eun input 2023 119 1553
(3)5 Alternatives to partially amend the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act
(4)298 people registered, 174 people approved, 173 against, 0 people popularity right, 1 person
(5)Pros 9943 Cons 000
(6)Abstain 057

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(1)1 hour 2
(2)The Democratic Party and opposition parties passed the Yellow Envelope Act and the Broadcasting Act 3 at the National Assembly plenary session
(3)It’s a good thing that an impure president would veto it again, but he didn’t delay it any longer and let it pass I hope that after today, you will continue to make efforts to protect workers’ rights and democracy under the constitution against any barriers
(4)One thing that stands out is the one abstaining from voting for the Yellow Envelope Act Representative Lee Won-wook of the Democratic Party of Korea, marked in yellow, is Hwaseong City, Gyeonggi Province I’ll remember that strange conviction
(5)I’m going to look back on the meaning
(6)The revision of Article 2 and 3 of the so-called Yellow Envelope Act and the Labor Relations Adjustment Act strengthens the responsibility of the original company to subcontract workers and restricts companies’ reckless claims for damages against striking workers
(7)The revised Broadcasting Act 3 of the Broadcasting Act, the Broadcasting Culture Promotion Association Act, and the Korea Educational Broadcasting Corporation Act includes the expansion of the right to recommend directors of public broadcasting such as KBS, MBC and EBS to the National Assembly, academia, and media organizations
(8)#Yellow Envelope #Broadcast # Passed the National Assembly
(9)5 Alternatives to partially amend the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act
(10)Transferred number of progressive expenses


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