No, I don’t like a girl’s chest that much

image text translation

(1)Topic > Something and Love
(2)No, I don’t like that
(3)Government officials
(4)㉡ Four hours
(5)Whenever my boyfriend goes into the car or house, he keeps his hand on his chest. He keeps putting it on and keeps fidgeting
(6)It keeps coming. I guess I saved a country in my previous life. It’s funny when I see him muttering and making things. I wonder what this is
(7)I was in a lot of relationships and I liked people I met before, but I wasn’t happy with my hands up all day
(8)I don’t think it’s right for him, he’s trying to drag him out because he can’t control himself
(9)If you think it’s an enclosed space, it’s an automatic condition reflection
(10)I don’t know if this is normal or if my boyfriend likes it more
(11)This is right
(12)I’m thinking about whether to go to 19ge or dating
(13)Put it on this side

image text translation

(1)Government employees · j
(2)I’m a woman, but I’m curious about men’s answers. In what sense, why
(3)I don’t like fat girls, but breast meat is special
(4)Is there any emotional or medical reason
(5)㉡ One hour
(6)New company, run
(7)Instinct. Just good. No reason
(8)㉡ 1 hour 31
(9)a civil servant writer
(10)I was also curious about this, so I wrote it. LOL What is this
(11)New company j>
(12)It’s just a rational charm
(13)㉡ 55 minutes


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