Why French people quit everything in August and go on vacation.jpg

image text translation

(1)You have a month off
(2)Thoughts on vacation in each country!
(3)I personally experienced this
(4)an urgent situation
(5)A French company that was conducting mergers and acquisitions
(6)All at once
(7)MARK is taking a month off in August
(8)Thoughts on vacation in each country for a month!
(9)The company is about to take over
(10)I don’t like 18 books
(11)Why in August
(12)It’s all about resting

It’s hot

image text translation

(1)You have a month off
(2)Thoughts on vacation in each country!
(3)Taking a rest because it’s hot
(4)It doesn’t make sense
(5)Zahid, Pakistan
(6)Thoughts on vacation in each country for a month!
(7)Thoughts on vacation in each country for a month!
(8)There’s no air conditioner
(9)How did you find out?
(10)Paris’s Traditional Subway Without Air Conditioning5
(11)Paris Viscosity Subway Without Air Conditioning

But it’s really hot, so I’m evacuating



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