the importance of appearance

image text translation

(1)Where are you from
(2)Oh, you’re Korean!
(3)I thought it was Uzbek
(4)Oh, you thought I was Uzbek
(5)You’re Korean. You’re Korean. You live there
(6)I’m here to work
(7)No, I’m traveling
(8)You’re traveling. It’s cool

image text translation

(1)It’s South Korea. North Korea
(2)It’s South Korea. I understood
(3)I’m satisfied because
(4)Wherever you go, you always say, “Nihao, China”
(5)It’s my first time hearing about Uzbekistan
(6)I thought he was Chinese, too
(7)Oh, I see.

image text translation

(1)I thought I was North Korean
(2)I look like Kim Jong Un
(4)You’re hearing all kinds of things

image text translation

(2)And recently
(3)By any chance
(4)a trip around the world
(5)He’s the president
(6)I’m Kin


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