A nurse in her 20s, a medical professor in her 40s who stalked for years

image text translation

(1)Changwon Kyungsang University Hospital
(2)”Text bomb even if I refuse…National University Professor Stalked for 3 Years”
(3)Let’s turn it down. Pressure
(4)Mr. A in his 20s, a nurse at Gyeongsang National University Hospital in Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do
(5)The nightmare began three years ago when a professor in his 40s took over as the head of his department
(6)It’s because the contact that started on the pretext of work turned into a private meeting request at some point
(7)Let’s go to overseas conferences together
(8)I’ll adjust your work schedule
(9)Call the professor’s car during lunchtime and ask him to go to overseas conferences together
(10)Don’t go home
(11)Let’s go to the second round together
(12)After the department dinner, we secretly called to go to the 2nd round
(13)Let’s turn it down. Pressure
(14)Saturday, September 23, 2023, 2:44 PM
(15)A group photo in the lab
(16)I was thinking about what to make a frame with
(17)Mr. OOO’s smile is
(18)It’s always good to see you ^^
(19)Thursday, June 29, 2023, 10:23 PM
(20)If you’re not sleeping, will you answer the phone
(21)When I hear your voice
(22)I don’t think I’ll drive drowsy
(23)I want to listen to it slowly Even if you don’t reply, one-sided text messages continue day and night on weekends and holidays
(24)Saturday >
(25)I’m enjoying my birthday
(26)It reminds me of working in the lab
(27)I want to wish you a happy birthday again and thank you for being born
(28)I pray and the examination will be okay, I’m worried
(29)It’s about it
(31)Monday >
(32)I just checked because I wasn’t feeling well on the weekend. Congratulations
(33)Thank you for doing it!
(34)Don’t get sick!
(35)Voice modulation of nurse A
(36)Let’s go see the sea every weekend. Let’s go drink coffee
(37)I got a call from him afterwards
(38)1010 AM 0835
(39)Wednesday, October 11th, 608pm
(40)★ Manners call ★
(41)This is a call from you
(43)After 5608
(44)409pm yesterday
(45)1024 PM 0409
(46)I’m calling because I’m worried about your discomfort
(47)And this
(48)Professor’s vital contact lasted nearly three years
(49)I don’t want to go down that difficult path
(51)I want you to talk about it and figure it out
(52)★Manner call
(56)I think it’s going to be hard
(57)I hope it’s not hard
(58)I hope so
(59)a text message
(60)Because he was my boss, I had to endure without reporting
(61)900 a.m
(62)Even if it’s a text bomb professor stalking a nurse
(63)Let’s turn it down. Pressure
(64)Mr. A has repeatedly refused or expressed his discomfort
(65)Rather, the professor called for regular meetings, saying he needed to clear his mind
(66)Q KBS report
(67)He even pressured the department, saying that he would make personnel changes to austere work department
(68)Mr. A’s voice modulation nurse
(69)He told me that he would change the department
(70)Currently, Mr. A is receiving psychiatric treatment, complaining of fear and anxiety
(71)Repetitiveity of Jung Sung-won’s Lawyer
(72)Whether it’s the duration
(73)Nevertheless, about nine appeared to be severe, so he expressed his intention that he did not want to be sufficiently a stalking crime
(74)GNUH Changwon Gyeongsang National University Hospital
(75)When the BS coverage began, the hospital separated the professor and the nurse and launched a fact-finding investigation
(76)The professor has stated that he is unable to report the incident at this time


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