It’s only now that I made a mistake

image text translation

(1)The Justice Party, which has lowered itself to the fullest, did a lot of wrong
(2)Chairman Kim Jun-woo’s inauguration press conference crisis. In fact, small vested interests should be put down to be loved more
(3)231115 1148 Final Update 231115 1338 Park Sohee Sost
(4)Good 21 large – Shorten small print URL ☆ Scraps
(5)Cheering with manuscript fees
(6)Article revision 15th at 1:40pm
(7)National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
(8)▲ Kim Jun-woo, the new chairman of the Justice Party’s emergency committee

image text translation

(1)the hope of labor
(2)Members of Parliament > People >
(3)Senior Vice-Chairmen of the Floor Leader Emergency Measures Committee Members of the National Assembly
(4)Head of the National Assembly’s Real Accounting Transparency TF

More than all of you

image text translation

This one is much better

Text me when it’s gone. I’ll clap for you

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