Actress who was unfairly charged 300 million won and was fined 100 million won

image text translation

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(1)Expense report details
(2)May 0th, photo shoot
(3)Run a new potato eri-
(4)Watch Company Spending Checked KRW 10,000
(5) SBS report

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(1)Tax collection of top star’s billion won
(2)”For the public image.”
(3)You can’t help but wear expensive clothes all the time
(4)Cost of clothes corresponds to fixed cost
(5)Top star A

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(1)”It’s not related to modeling.”
(2)personal expenditure
(3)I don’t accept the cost of the costume
(4)a surcharge of hundreds of millions
(5) SBS report

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(1)Tax collection of top star’s billion won
(2)8 Mr. A’s additional charge…I won’t disobey you


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