A blind date who called me 30 minutes late

image text translation

(1)The person who decided to go on a blind date with me today is 30 minutes
(2)I heard it was about late, so I threw up
(3)I was supposed to meet you at the cafe by 6:30, but you called me
(4)I was supposed to meet you at the cafe by 6:30, but you called and there was so much traffic that I wouldn’t arrive until 7 o’clockI’m on my way out, saying not to watch it because I’m annoyed
(5)Isn’t it too much to be late for 30 minutes from the first meeting
(6)The writer who waited for 30 minutes and threw up vs the other who was late for 30 minutes from the first meeting
(7)It’s the writer’s fault that he didn’t wait for 30 minutes
(8)It’s the other person’s fault for being late for 30 minutes from the first meeting

image text translation

(1)If I were you, I’d wait about 30 minutesEveryone has different values
(2)2023-11-190927 Comment
(3)If it’s an area with traffic, I think I’d be really stuck in traffic If it’s judged, I think I’ll wait
(4)2023-11-190928 Comment
(5)My former acquaintance kept asking me to get insurance, so I went to the appointment place and didn’t say I was 30 minutes late, so I just came
(6)2023-11-190929 Comment

image text translation

(1)I don’t blame anyone, but it’s not just a relationship
(2)I’m married even though I’m late for my first meeting
(3)2023-11-190948 Comment
(4)Me too lol
(5)When my wife was on a blind date
(6)I was the first man to come late
(7)2023-11-191038 Comment


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