The opening of the drama was even more shocking because it was a true story

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(1)The French are retreating!

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(1)Send the armored troops!

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(1)1951 in Mexico City

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(1)Stop what you’re doing and get up and walk

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(1)Get up and walk!

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(1)Go down

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(1)Get on your knees

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(1)You’re a spy of the enemy

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(1)You have to say the lines

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(1)Long live France!

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(1)The hero shot and killed the enemy in one shot!

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(1)Will adults be angry

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(1)She’s my favorite carpet

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(1)It is surprisingly true that the presidential brothers killed a housekeeper while playing war. At the time of the incident, there was one friend other than the two brothers. The trigger was intentionally drawn in Salinas drama, which becomes president, but the actual two brothers made an excuse that it was an accident President Salinas has never been able to say, “I killed a person in a child’s heart.” Since then, President Salinas has been strongly suspected of assassinating Colosio, who has been the next presidential candidate and political successor, Luis Donaldo, when he made a truly progressive and reformative move contrary to his expectations. The Colosio assassination is also heavily portrayed in Season 3, and although there is no direct description, it is strongly implied that the Mexican government is behind it

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(1)Mexico’s 60th president, Salinas Gortari, was a gunman when he was a child
(2)I confessed that I had killed a housekeeper
(3)Of course, he dismissed it as a simple accident


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