A letter from a public official blinds

image text translation

(1)Bla bla bla 17-hour civil servant bboom bboom bbooming
(2)A sick grandfather hospital for a year
(3)a letter that I’ve been following and receiving
(4)Last summer, my hearing-impaired grandfather came to visit me
(5)Because he has cancer, and he has no family, no relatives, he’s not coming home at the university hospital
(6)He appealed that he was rejected for not providing medical treatment
(7)During the consultation, I had a hard time communicating by writing
(8)He earnestly asked for help, saying, “That’s all.”
(9)I just couldn’t turn a blind eye, so I rolled up my sleeves, and for a year I was in charge of all the tests and inpatient doctor interviews he needed, helping him with his eyes, ears, and hands and feet
(10)I did everything I could, but maybe my old grandfather wasn’t good enough to beat cancer, so he ended up in a nursing hospital and gave me a letter and a box of ripe peaches
(11)Even before the ink on the letter faded, my grandfather said
(12)I heard that he died in a nursing hospital
(13)I had no family, no relatives, no funerals
(14)I don’t want to go there
(15)I couldn’t go
(16)Two hours at a university hospital with many people in the hot summer
(17)I still remember walking around holding my grandfather’s hand for three hours
(18)Even if I went back, I would have made the same choice
(19)I don’t think I’ll hesitate if something similar happens again in the future

image text translation

(1)Camping in the heat today, too
(2)You’re working so hard on the stock market
(3)In the heat with a warm heart
(4)I want to repay the teacher who helped me with the scale
(5)I couldn’t do it for you
(6)Thank you for your consideration
(7)I’ll never forget it
(8)Compared to the teacher’s consideration, this little
(9)I understand
(10)I’m sorry for the present
(11)and sent it to me for my consideration
(12)With all the staff members, I’ll eat deliciously
(13)Everyone, happy and healthy with a happy heart
(14)I hope so


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