Sexual relationship with 12 students of elementary school female teacher

image text translation

(1)Victim’s parents report it
(2)an elementary school teacher
(3)Mr. A 326th grade student
(4)Group B, 12
(5)I found out during the on-campus experience course

At that time, other teachers told me that a grown-up child was a child

distorted sexual consciousness

He was very sad that he injected it into him

She’s already a celebrity, so she would have received a lot of attention

The teacher, who became crazy after becoming a mother, let go of his desires against his disciples

I feel sorry for my students, for my parents, for my teacher’s child

a paedophile wife

I’ve been fine

The life of the husband, who had no choice but to be hurt by his humiliated self-esteem in a moment, is also miserable

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