I ordered the mega coffee that part-timers say is annoying

image text translation

(1)The part-timers of Mega Coffee say it’s annoying
(2)I ordered it, but it’s 41
(3)Writing 2023-11-30200217
(4)Moving 2023-12-01 064026
(5)ⓤ Shortened URL
(6)Why are you doing this? I’m the only one who ordered, but I’m very busy
(7)It’s going to take time

image text translation

(1)Let’s order it right before leaving work. Move 14
(2)Recommendation reply
(3)I see a male and a female part-timer sitting in a chair and having fun because there are no customers, Baro
(4)I shouted trash and pressed it while watching this
(5)What? You did a good thing. I compliment you

A standing ovation gif

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