(1)Drug Enforcement Prosecutor Owners at Hemp Cookies Stores HHCP Products After HHCH Regulatedimage text translation
(2)1122 Number 1808 Delivery 1588 09 X
(3)It’s a new material called HHCH
(4)It has the same effect as hemp
(5)A substance that is stamped with hemp even on the Ma0 drug test paper
(6)It’s illegal in Korea under a comprehensive law
(7)That’s legal in Japan
(1)Some companies made cookies or jellyimage text translation
(2)free sprinkling at festivals, bars, etc
(3)If you eat it without knowing, you get addicted
(4)I urgently designated HHCH as illegal
(5)I said, “Yes, I’m done using something else”
(6)Doing the same thing with HHCP, which slightly changed the chemical formula
(1)HHCH will be banned from possession, use, and sale from today. At the beginning of the year, comprehensive regulatory maps will be createdimage text translation
(2)122 To 000 Delivery 304 9999 X
(3)HHCH, a synthetic compound similar to hemp-derived ingredients detected in so-called hemp-gumi, will be banned from possession or use from today The Ministry of Health and Welfare designated “HHCH,” a synthetic compound similar to hemp-derived ingredients, as a “designated drug” last month, in response to a series of people complaining of poor condition, including emergency returns of people who ate “cannabis.” From today, possession or sale is prohibited, and violations will result in imprisonment of up to three years or a fine of up to three million yen In addition, new drugs similar to regulating HHCH
(4)Although the first round was finally banned today
(5)Not yet. HHCP HHCJ, etc
(6)There are a lot of subspecies
(7)Companies don’t care
(8)Next year, like Korea
(9)I’m working on a comprehensive anti-drug law
(10)If you go to Japan, you’ll get addicted to free food