My mom in her 70s who went to a hamburger restaurant

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(1)I’m a late kid, so my mom and dad are very old
(2)I opened Gordon Ramsay Burger in my area today
(3)On the first day, there will be a free burger event for 50 people
(4)Yesterday, I said that there’s a hamburger place that I wanted to eat in Seoul and 50 people will give it to me for free because it’s an open event
(5)My mom said she went to get it in the morning without me knowing. It’s raining, but she took the subway
(6)But I wandered around because I didn’t know the entrance, so I couldn’t make it to 50 people, so I was looking at the menu and there were a lot of menus
(7)Since hamburgers are expensive, I can’t buy anything else. I thought I should buy what I want to eat
(8)He was going to call me, but he left me a message because I was at work

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(1)But I was at the company, so I watched it for over an hour and called him in a hurry
(2)I heard that you came home after waiting for it
(3)I’m so upset
(4)It happened that I was at the company
(5)My mom doesn’t know the entrance and the menu, so I wish I could go there and not buy a hamburger and have a burger
(6)I can’t go up and down the stairs because my mom is not feeling well and my knees are not good
(7)It’s even drier because it’s raining
(8)What did I say it was delicious
(9)When I saw this message for the first time, it was really crowded I’m so upset. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it

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(1)It’s 50 people


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