Reporter Song Yo-hoon

image text translation

(1)Reasons for the Yoon Suk Yeol Prosecutor General’s Disciplinary Action
(2)Recognition of grounds for disciplinary action
(3)Preparation and distribution of major case court analysis documents
(4)● Interference with Channel A’s investigation into the case
(5)Interference with the investigation into Channel A’s case
(6)impairment of the prestige of inappropriate words and actions concerning political neutrality

image text translation

(1)You can’t stand it if you touch my person
(2)The choice of Yoon Suk Yeol is
(3)Input 20200629 AM 1045
(4)1 a.m

image text translation

(1)Suspicion of Money Envelope at Democratic National Convention
(2)Former CEO Song Young-gil Arrested
(3)Input 2023-12-190007 Modified 2023-12-19100


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