A person who was caught working as a civil servant model

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(1)This news right now
(2)The model walks the runway confidentlyI’m A, who debuted as a model last year

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(1)This news right now
(2)I participated in many fashion shows including Seoul Fashion Week
(3)Source YouTube SFW_official lingshow168

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(1)This news right now
(2)Even if you have 10,000 followers on social media
(3)I’ve gained so much recognition

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(1)This news right now
(2)But it turns out that
(3)Mr. A had his own day job
(4)Source Instagram

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(1)This news right now
(2)I’m a grade 8 civil servant with the Department of Defense

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(1)This news right now
(2)As a Defense Department official
(3)He’s been a model for over a year

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(1)This news right now
(2)Article 64 of the National Public Officials Act
(3)Prohibition of commercial business and concurrent employment
(4)①A public official shall be a public official who is not a public official
(5)He is not engaged in profit-making business
(6)without the permission of the head of an affiliated organization
(7)be unable to concurrently perform other duties
(8)The employee did not get permission to serve as a concurrent position

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(1)Right now
(2)They plan to take severe measures and will consider disciplinary action if necessary

A fancy model on the runway turned out to be a civil servant

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