What’s up with the Busan Ilbo

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(1)Reorganization of the timely and appropriate treatment medical delivery system
(2)Lee Jae-myung’s transfer to Seoul controversy
(3)Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-young’s narrow controversy in Seoul has summoned the issue again for a long time
(4)It is necessary to re-establish the manual, such as strict standards for all university hospitals, and public opinion such as raising voices and refraining from emergency rooms for minor patients
(5)The basic principle of the medical delivery system is that it must be determined by the hospital set at a fixed time, and the reason why there are a series of criticisms of CEO Lee’s use across the country is that it is a decision that ignores this principle Working at the nearby Busan National University Hospital
(6)The fact that he went to Seoul National University Hospital, where he is located, makes it difficult to criticize him as a local medical worker
(7)In fact, Busan National University Hospital is the best in the country in terms of poetry and skills, as it ranked first in the country for two consecutive years between 2021 and 2022 because it was something of a regional trauma center organized by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. On the other hand, the trauma center of Seoul National University Hospital is a final trauma center designated by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, and the grade is different. The pride of the local medical community was severe in that it chose the Seoul type without asking, and business groups across the country issued statements against it
(8)Rep. Lee Jae-myung’s response to the National Medical Association related to all of Seoul
(9)The representative of the Democratic Party of Korea, who was attacked early on his visit to Busan on the 2nd in Gunsan City and the metropolitan area, was married He is being transferred to Seoul National University Hospital from Sahel
(10)Community history
(11)at a local university hospital
(12)I’m going to have a surgery on the Democratic Party
(13)Or a tracheal disease
(14)The rush of patients to so-called hospitals and to local university hospitals puts net healthcare on the brink of collapse
(15)In particular, in the medical community, all of the tertiary medical institutions are original and serious!There are many opinions that it is necessary to make sure that when transferring to a tertiary medical institution in another region, it is necessary to attach treatment to a tertiary medical institution in the area where the patient residesIn the sexy class, you have to make it possible
(16)The Democratic Party can’t do it
(17)We’re wasting resources on filling and medical expenses
(18)The system is designed to ensure that medical resources in the medical delivery system can be properly treated in person according to instructions through efficient management of medical resources. However, excessive competition among medical institutions has raised the phenomenon of patient concentration to large hospitals in the Seoul metropolitan area and inefficient operation of the medical society. As a result, the current medical reality in the Seoul metropolitan area is that there are very frequent cases of visiting university hospitals in the Seoul metropolitan area after seeing medical treatment at primary medical institutions. If the medical delivery system is properly established after seeing medical treatment at primary medical institutions and if it doesn’t work as a secondary hospital, it will be a tertiary hospital in the region
(19)I know the local medical staff, and the other patients see the full amount
(20)Cho Seok-joo, a professor of emergency medicine at Busan Institute, said, “The other emergency society who needed a helicopter at that time may have died in blood and tears.”
(21)Source Communities
(22)Raider “Despite the economic collapse, the opposition party focuses on saving Lee Jae-myung.”
(23)It is reported that he stated that he was done. The Suu Kyi headquarters often called him to brag about the completion of the investigation
(24)He went back to Busan on the KTX from Asan, Chungcheongnam-do, to Busan Station, and visited Pyeongsan Village in Yangsan, which is scheduled to be visited the day after Bongha Village in Gimhae, where CEO Lee visited
(25)He said he couldn’t confirm the contents
(26)be under review for bankruptcy
(27)The police are reportedly planning to announce the results of the investigation as early as this week. They will vote for Kim’s party Although it is a matter of keen interest whether or not to disclose Kim’s history on the day, the Political Parties Act has a provision that the police cannot divulge information about the suspect that private institutions have learned during the investigation under the Political Parties Act
(28)As some of the motives mentioned in the prestigious text, the party is not revealed according to the party law – vehicle owners are also not disclosed after investigation
(29)The Busan Metropolitan Police Agency’s investigation headquarters said on the 7th that the eight-page article titled Namji, seized by CEO Kim 61, was generally consistent with the statement made to the police. Kim mentioned that he submitted an excuse when asked about the motive of the crime before his arrest on the 3rd The police said they cannot release their excuses, but some of the excuses seem to have come out to the outside world. Kim reportedly said in his writing, “The Minjoo Party of Korea is going all-in to save Lee Jae-myung as the leader of the party even after the Yoon administration takes office,” adding, “The national economy will collapse no matter who wins the general election.”
(30)It is understood that Kim, who went to Gadeokdo Island afterwards, entered the model alone nearby and went to the crime scene the next morning
(31)In fact, Kim seems to have used a regular car, not a taxi, when he went to the accommodation on the 1st In a CCTV conducted by the Busan Ilbo at the scene, he was spotted near a lodging facility near Jinhae-gu, Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do at 7:58 p.m. on the 1st. A regular car, not a taxi, was seen crossing the road with an emergency light on opposite the motel Mr. Kim was political, and Mr. Kim appeared in the back of the vehicle
(32)In addition to the excuse mentioned by the Democratic Party of Korea’s chief raider in relation to the criminal, the opposition party will try to save Lee Jae-myung despite the collapse of the last real estate tyranny, North Korea’s humiliation diplomacy, etc There is also a CCTV video of a man getting off in front of a motel in Changwon on the 1st, the day before the crime, and even though there were suspicions that he was an accomplice, he is investigating whether he was an accomplice, but he is not told that he got a car from his supporter The police are revealing their personal information
(33)Kim’s party membership history has been leaked from the political circles, and supporters of the political circle and ruling and opposition parties have made various interpretations, so the police come up with clear details of the investigation It is also known that the prosecution should also announce a similar position to the police to clear up the confusion, so Kim’s party has a trial after prosecution
(34)On the 1st, the day before the crime, Kim’s whereabouts were also met for the first time, he came in a car of Lee’s supporter

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(1)residential bankruptcy
(2)Box Recruitment
(3)Busan Seafood Products
(4)Thank you very much. Thank you very muchDon’t worry
(5)First telephone 051-461-4114 on 10 September 1946
(6)medical discrimination ignited
(7)Lee Jae-myung transfer to Seoul
(8)ㅇ Current status of emergency medical functions at Pusan National University Hospital and Seoul National University Hospital
(9)A statement criticizing the disregard of the local medical community in six cities and provinces, including Busan and Gwangju. The remarks of lawmaker Minjoo Chung Cheong-rae are also controversial. The final treatment center of Busan National University Hospital Area Trauma Center
(10)Ministry of Health and Welfare
(12)a pawnbroker
(13)Public sentiment in the area where Busan people’s pride has been touched has also rapidly deteriorated, with 1,595 patients evaluated for the number of patients in the hospital
(14)No. 1 nationwide in 2021 2022
(15)※ Data Ministry of Health and Welfare Re-opened North Korean Coastal Artillery in Seoul
(16)The regional trauma center treated and judged Lee and opposed the transfer Kim Jae-hoon, a professor of trauma surgery at Busan National University Hospital, said, “Seoul National University Hospital announced as if Busan National University Hospital had requested all of them, but we never said that, and we opposed the transfer because we thought it was dangerous to transfer to Seoul with a nearby hospital that could treat enough.”
(17)There is a backlash from all over the country over the transfer of Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, who was attacked in Busan on the 2nd, from Busan National University Hospital to Seoul National University Hospital by helicopter The Democratic Party’s decision is intended to ignore the local medical community and trampled on the medical delivery system. The deterioration of public sentiment in Busan is also serious. According to the medical community on the 7th, starting with Busan on the 4th, the society of six cities and provinces, including Gwangju, Seoul, Gyeongnam, Daejeon, and Jeonbuk, issued a series of critical statements or positions on all Lee’s helicopters. The Gwangju Medical Association said that all Lee representatives receive treatment in Japan
(18)Gimhae Airport
(19)Revised to the Ministry of Justice if you are unable to depart from Gimhae Airport at other airports such as the Seoul metropolitan area
(20)Busan National University Hospital ranked first among 17 regional trauma centers nationwide for two consecutive years in 2021 and 2022 in an annual evaluation organized by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. In 2023, it ranked second in the country after Ajou University Hospital. On the other hand, Seoul National University has designated one of the four In-states designated by the Seoul Metropolitan Government on the 1st
(21)The Chinese group tour system is an obstacle to Busan
(22)To boost tourism
(23)a measure to improve one’s condescension


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