Why the thermometer can only measure 42 degrees

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(1)If your body temperature exceeds 42 degrees, it doesn’t matter what the exact temperature is
(2)It’s going to get cold soon anyway

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(1)Dakgalbi Gimbap Line 2024-01-1281182170
(2)I used to work and felt dizzy and stumbled every time I walked, so I went to the hospital because I was on 417 or something, so I went home, but I was forced to go home, and I fainted after saying that I shouldn’t go home LOLMove
(4)Red Flavor Eater 2024-01-1221305113070
(5)From 43, move well done 1
(6)Recommendation reply
(7)Heartache 01-13 1001537370
(8)I had a high fever before, so I went to the hospital, so I thought it would be 40 degrees
(9)I guess you did that when you died, but the nurses got very busy and moved 3


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