# Song Yeonggil TV

image text translation

(1)31 minutes before Song Yeonggil TV
(2)Chageung Declared Changdang
(3)I consistently believe that the Democratic Party worked with the Justice Party to carry it through
(4)I’ve been insisting on maintaining the homogeneous proportional representation system
(5)I agree and agree that CEO Lee Jae Myung should not lose
(6)But it’s possible to win in a cool way
(7)It is the restoration of the politics of the Union
(8)If the Democratic Party pursues a coalition of anti-proportional and anti-prosecution Yoon Suk Yeol Han Dong-hoon prosecution crime regime forces, a big victory will be possible
(9)I would like to set up the tentatively named with comrades who are at the forefront of fighting against the prosecution’s criminal regime in Yoon Suk Yeol under a clear banner in preparation for the satellite party and the second major unidentified national power led by Lee Nak-yeon in maintaining the linked proportional representation system
(10)This party is the right wing of the Democratic Party and will lead the Democratic Party to bring down the Yoon Suk Yeol Han Dong-hoon prosecution crime regime as soon as possible to protect the crumbling democratic republic of Korea
(11)At the Seoul Detention Center
(12)having a lonely time of contemplation


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