I had a sister

image text translation

(1)It’s not a horror, but it’s an experience I’ve had all my life
(2)story 04-11 view count 29185
(3)I had a sister
(4)So when I come home from school, I play with my sister
(5)My aunts in my neighbor’s house and my daughters are both dads. What should I do
(6)That’s what they said
(7)But one day, I came home, and I remember that day, too
(8)When I came back from elementary school in the summer
(9)I don’t have a younger brother, but I’m playing a game asking why there’s a boy here
(10)I was like, but she was so nonchalant
(11)I said hello to a relative and went into my room
(12)I don’t have a younger brother at home, and there’s no one at home, so let’s take a nap
(13)I was playing
(14)My mom came and we ate together
(15)He’s eating with me, too; naturally;;
(16)So I asked my mom, “Who is she?”
(17)Don’t joke around with your mom’s face to your little brother
(18)They told me to eat it
(19)So I felt awkward, so I finished eating and was alone in my room
(20)You’re worried about him
(21)I can’t get used to the atmosphere in the house
(22)So I asked my mom where her sister’s name is
(23)My mom was like, “Who is he?” And the boy was eating and playing games in the living room again
(24)I was so young that I had a mental breakdown
(25)What’s more interesting is that I looked at the shoebox because I thought he was out
(26)Yes, I didn’t have any shoes
(27)I bought shoes that shine when I step on them until yesterday
(28)It’s been ringing all day long
(29)I told him to take that away
(30)But it’s hard to cry and argue about who she is
(31)The atmosphere in the house was so normal that I was confused
(32)Later, my dad left work and asked my dad where he was
(33)You just say, “Who are you? Are you friends?”
(34)You were having fun playing with him on the plane
(35)I didn’t know what this situation was, so I got used to it
(36)I think I have a tooth
(37)After that day, all traces of her disappeared
(38)Before I knew it, my house became a family of one daughter and one son
(39)When I tell my mom and dad about my sister, they both say = =
(40)My new brother looks at me and talks to me like I’ve always been there;
(41)The ladies who said I look like my brother and my dad
(42)My daughter looks like a father in that house, but my son looks like a mother
(43)They started saying it’s pretty
(44)My sister’s dolls and all that stuff are in my room
(45)My sister was like a beggar, so she distinguishes mine from mine
(46)I used a magic pen on your body
(47)The letters are all in my name
(48)I didn’t even want to go home after school
(49)Among the cartoons I saw before, an alien got rid of his mother and pretended to be his mother
(50)I lived my life like this
(51)There was a cartoon that got rid of every single family member
(52)Like that, I was wondering if my brother was an alien
(53)Fortunately, that didn’t happen
(54)My family is one son and one daughter, and I am 3n. I live well until now
(55)If there’s a problem, I’m not getting married to my brother
(56)My mom’s worried about my grandson
(57)The thing that bothers me a little is
(58)Club mani with high school kids who have sisterhood relationship in our university
(59)I did activities like this
(60)It was a broadcasting club. We chose a senior
(61)I studied with them and when I had a club activity time, I would do it together
(62)There was a kid there who looked like me. Bae-ae
(63)It’s similar, but the atmosphere is similar
(64)I peeped around during Oh Donghwal
(65)He was my brother in my memory
(66)Actually, after my hair grew bigger, when I was in middle school
(67)There’s something like a recruit
(68)I thought I made a virtual sister
(69)I’m sure they’ll fight me and stick with me for about 10 years
(70)He was there
(71)I don’t know who it is. Even with a face that looks like me
(72)I’m in my senior yearI had a younger brother, so I bumped into him a lot
(73)I didn’t make it
(74)She’s the only child from an ordinary family in Busan
(75)I went there and watched it. I was scared
(76)If you get hit and call me, you’ll be scared
(77)I thought I was going to be really scared
(78)You look a lot like me^^ Who is it? Ha
(79)I think I’m the only one who remembers what happened, and I think I’m going to collapse
(80)Then, we ate together several times
(81)My heart was pounding, but he didn’t respond
(82)I didn’t have a tooth
(83)a bittersweet
(84)Let’s move on to saying that this was a problem with my childhood mind
(85)But I’m still in the middle of it
(86)I don’t know why I want to be a younger brother
(87)He actually knew that, but maybe he didn’t express it
(88)I’m still regretting it. I’m doing it like I’m staying
(89)It didn’t happen to me with my head, Lyle
(90)I think it’s going to be hard
(91)I don’t know what I’ve been thinking for more than 20 years because of a kidney disease
(92)I think I should’ve done it
(93)If it’s straight, it’s a really scary nephropathy

Since then, comments have been posted that it may be a symptom of Capgras syndrome ( Capgras syndrome )

image text translation

(1)The order is to get to know someone who looks exactly like him
(2)I think that’s what happened after that because the memories of the past were manipulated

image text translation

(1)Cagras syndrome
(2)Capgras syndrome Capgras syndrome Capgras
(3)Delusion is a symptom of delusional identification that one believes that one’s friend, spouse, or surrounding person has been transformed into a completely different person dressed up as the exact same person. There have been reports of people believing that their memories of events have been distorted or replaced by something completely different, and even they perceive themselves in the past as someone else who looks like them

Wow, I’m scared

image text translation

(1)Narana 2024-01-17 203917470
(2)The memory is so detailed, but the manipulation is so
(3)Goosebumps. Move 9
(4)Recommendation reply
(5)From now on, 2024-01-17205306751
(6)Best 2
(7)If the notification update is not successful, some NPCs may believe that their memory is distorted, so we apply Cagras syndrome as a small patch 2 Move
(8)Made in 1991 2024-01-18023335570
(9)It’s a different story. I played with A at karaoke for about an hour or two and went to the bathroom, but I asked A where B went. I was worried because I was aware that A and B were here, but at some point, I remember chatting with B for a short time after I went to the bathroom and playing around. It’s okay now. I don’t remember what B looked like at the time, but I still remember talking about it. Anyway, I kept asking A, “What’s wrong with you because I kept looking for B? I was like, “Are you crazy?” and then I left until then. But I was wondering why B was gone. When I came home, all of the memories came off and all of a sudden, and all of a sudden, the memory came off and I was like, “What’s wrong with you?” So, I thought about where the memory was wrong, but in the end, there was no answer and I made a temporary conclusion as a ghost, but I think I know what the writer feels like because it feels similar. Recommendation on movement

If someone I only know gets erased from everyone’s memory except me, then the other way around

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