How to confess without saying, “Let’s go out.”

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(1)Read more rankings for February 17, 2020
(2)Without saying, “Let’s go out,” what does it mean to express confession
(3)Inquiry 368792 Recommendation 275
(4)View with one app. Comment 414 Write a comment
(5)Get creative, everyone
(6)Bepple 202002171246
(7)When I met my older brother, he was a client, and sometimes we met on a blind date, but we got close over a drink. We were certain that we had a good relationship, but we were cautious because we were in the same industry. It’s been about half a year since I broke up, so we met often in an ambiguous state, and we met at lunchtime, keeping the line, and then we met again on a non-day basis. It was spring, so the two of us were walking on the trail and talking on a bench under the street lamp. But it was late at night, so there were no people, and the weather was nice and the scenery was beautiful, so I thought it was a good day for me. But he said, “Yeah.” After answering, I was looking at the night view without saying anything. But all of a sudden, he said in a sweet and quiet voice, and tomorrow, he was looking at the night view Shall we meet as a couple So if I couldn’t talk because my heart was shaking, I would say it as if it was nothing, but it’s the most exciting confession I’ve ever heard in my life. Pretty and sentimental
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(1)Best 1
(2)The younger one talks informally. I asked why he talks informally
(3)You can talk informally to me. Move 11
(4)Recommendation reply
(5)Choi Hyun-bae 2024-01-180425
(6)Hey, I found you, operator. You’re a van
(7)LD earbapsol 2024-01-18151819
(8)Lovely, I’ll talk informally
(9)From now on, I’ll talk informally to you


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