Why modern people are so dissatisfied and angry

image text translation

(1)Like Victor Frankel and Erich Fromm
(2)Existentialist psychoanalystists are
(3)Tell him he needs to find meaning in pain
(4)Gwangmyeong 10 2010
(5)But a lot of modern people are getting anxious
(6)Three, 100 2810
(7)Emotionally like loneliness
(8)The reason why I’m vulnerable to negative things is because
(9)the idea that only material outcomes are meaningful
(10)He says it’s because of his light success philosophy
(11)But it’s a category of values that we’re after
(12)If I were to categorize it more broadly
(13)You can take a new perspective!
(14)The value that we can enjoy in our lives is
(15)There are three main things
(16)the first creative value
(17)What this is is
(18)It’s a value that’s realized through action
(19)You all went to work today
(20)I worked while rubbing my sleepy eyes
(21)GB100 in time
(22)If you work and make money
(23)G Item 1000818
(24)It created creative value
(25)The second value has experiential value
(26)This is literally
(27)Luxury goods 10 won 918 won
(28)It’s a value that you gain by experiencing the world
(29)With your salary
(30)G810 won for 810 won
(31)If you went on a trip last month
(32)He enjoyed experiential value
(33)But lastly, there’s another value
(34)That’s the value of attitude
(35)Things you can’t change as a human being. Things that are meant to be
(36)the pain one has to face
(37)It’s a value that comes true when you live with it
(38)The process of my work
(39)If you think of it as an act of making money
(40)You can’t help but be unhappy
(41)But usually, in our work life
(42)Why are you dissatisfied
(43)Only creative and experiential values
(44)I think it’s worth it
(45)I mean, what’s your salary like
(46)What’s wrong with the company? There are more complaints
(47)This might be negative
(48)It’s definitely an attitude value
(49)This kind of stress has its own meaning
(50)So beyond any consequential success or failure, we’re going to go back and forth
(51)And the painful experience
(52)You have to be able to talk actively
(53)If you really want to become an adult!


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