Is it right not to get involved in how much food the staff eats in the pantry

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(1)Recently, an anonymous community blind for office workers posted a story titled, “Is it right not to be involved in how much food an employee eats in the pantry?”
(2)Writer A said, “The youngest employee takes care of three meals a day with food from the pantry.”
(3)”I go to work in the morning and eat two bread snacks such as iced Americano Haute and Montchell for coffee,” he said. “After meals, I eat three Maxim coffee mixes and two rice snacks at the same time as iced coffee.”
(4)The youngest employee even eats lemonade with the powder he brought in carbonated water in the pantry between meals and work
(5)Mr. A said that when the youngest employee was away, the employee who went to the mart went once a month, but recently, he started going every 2-3 weeks
(6)He asked for advice, saying, “I’ve never seen anyone eat this much while working here.”

No problem vs. the truth

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