It’s unfair but ugly

image text translation

(1)It happened when my friend just started working at a cafe
(2)One day, the group ordered this and that menu and took orders
(3)I have to pay now
(4)They were arguing that they were going to pay for it
(5)My wife will pay for it!
(6)No, I’m paying for it
(7)Don’t do that
(8)Please pay with the card of the most handsome person here
(9)Well, that was him
(10)So I was standing with a troubled face
(11)A not-so-handsome guy gets angry
(12)I paid for it every time!
(13)This time, the ugly one should pay for it!
(14)Over there
(15)I’m sorry!
(16)Please pick the ugliest one
(17)There were four friends
(18)It was easy to pick
(19)Put your hands together politely
(20)I pointed at the ugliest person at the end
(21)The customer looked distorted
(22)I’m not in that group



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