He’s an amazing celebrity when he takes off his clothes

image text translation

(1)Law of the Jungle Get ready to hunt
(2)You have to do it with your muscles
(3)Jungle Nature’s Counterattack
(4)If so, yes, Galli
(5)Law of the Jungle. Nature’s counterattack!
(6)Then I’ll have some free time
(7)Who’s the muscle guy who suddenly appeared
(8)Who’s the muscle guy who suddenly appeared
(9)The law of singles. Nature’s counterattack!
(10)Jungle Macroscience Nature’s counterattack!
(11)a burst of angry back muscles
(12)The Law of the Jungle Nature’s Counterattack
(13)The Law of the Jungle Nature’s Counterattack
(14)Neo-Confucian nature’s counterattack!
(15)Jungle Max Nature’s Counterattack
(16)Single nature’s counterattack!
(17)Moonsik oppa
(18)in the midst of cheers
(19)Muscle synths

image text translation

(1)Get ready to hunt

Just keep that in mind, man

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