You don’t have a brain. How can you say that

image text translation

I don’t know, but people don’t talk a lot except for their brains

image text translation

(1)Escape is intelligence order 2024-01-29 BSB0
(2)I’m sure he has a baby brain. Move
(3)Among the people who made the movie, the people who made it without brains
(4)There’s a little bit. Move 1

image text translation

(1)Leon 2024-02-02 203035
(2)The brain delivered by the presence of a man without 90 of the brain
(3)a new paradigm in medicine
(4)2016715-9 years ago, the presence of a man with little brain shocked scientists, and subsequent follow-up studies have shown a breakthrough in understanding human brain cells
(5)historical evidence

Originally, the Wizard of Oz was a political satire novel

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