Korea Marries Oldest Woman Most Expensive

image text translation

(1)First, Korea is… Korea is
(2)Marry the oldest woman in the world
(3)I know what the second thing is, but with that old woman
(4)It costs the most to get married
(5)And lastly, thirdly, I brought an old woman who was the most expensive
(6)But as a breadwinner, I don’t get much respect
(7)Third, I can’t tell from the statistics
(8)The first and second can be seen from the statistics
(10)OECD Korean Women’s First Birth Age Rises to 6 Years in One Generation…We need to improve the labor culture
(11)Reporter Park Hyo-jae
(12)The age of first birth of Korean women is
(13)It’s the only country in the world that’s over 32 years old
(14)It is analyzed that the burden of raising children in Korea 1vascr Nana has increased
(15)In Korea, when you get married, you don’t have children
(16)In the article I saw, why is the age of first birth of Korean women increased
(17)When I did it, they said that the labor culture needs to be improved
(18)I was a bit confused when I saw this
(19)It’s an improvement in labor culture
(20)Full screen
(21)The Chart Korea lags behind Japan in 31st place among 38 OECD countries for women’s economic activities
(22)a Money Today reporter
(23)Watch Money Today News on N Naver
(24)I’m the editor-in-chiefThis is JIGOT7 CHART NEWSAdd Money Today Channel on Kakao Talk
(25)Participation in economic activities of women in major OECD countries surged in real time
(26)Women’s Economic Participation
(27)Divorce, I took my 11-year-old daughter from Mongolia
(28)Korea ranks 31st among 38 OECD countries in women’s economic activities
(29)It’s the lowest rank
(30)Of course, it’s lower than Japan and China, and the participation rate of Vietnamese women in economic activities
(31)It’s almost 80
(32)The level of education is high, but the participation rate of women in economic activities is this low
(33)I wonder what it means to improve labor culture
(34)In the U.S., where wages are twice as high as in Korea, the cost of marriage is
(35)It’s about 66 million won to 21 million won
(36)The average is about 36 million won
(37)Since then, the cost of getting married in Japan is 40 million won, but getting married without any confusion
(38)It’s a growing trend
(39)For your information, Korea is 2023 Marriage Cost Report Data Duo
(40)Survey of 1,000 newlyweds in the 12th year
(41)50 million won excluding the newlywed house
(42)The total cost of marriage by gender
(43)3.3 Billion Wedding Including
(44)131.27 million won
(45)Lake 1 meal 10.57 million won, 5.73 million won
(46)7.97 million won
(47)7.3 million won for girls’ middle school
(48)In foreign countries, people usually buy monthly rent
(49)Honeymoon 4.85 million won
(50)3.33 million won
(51)Considering that, the cost of marriage in Korea is 199.23 million won
(52)It’s too much
(53)According to the survey results based on Oh’s 2023 Marriage Cost Actual Report, marriage including newlyweds
(54)A total of 303.5 million won for both men and women was found to be a newlywed house
(55)Worse because of the newlywed house
(56)It came out that it cost 507 won And the average cost of a newlywed home is 30,000 across the country
(57)It is about 279.77 million won, which is about 40 million won higher than the previous year, depending on the region
(58)In conclusion, it’s because I saw the two
(59)It’s not a cost-effective poop. It’s almost like a net
(60)Whether you’re getting married to the oldest girl for the most expensive money
(61)How many people around you are married and respected
(62)I don’t think I’ve asked a lot
(63)What I always say is that what makes up the world is the vast majority of people
(64)It’s people, John
(65)The cost of marriage has to be tailored to people
(66)That’s how it works because the U.S. and Japan are aligned!
(67)But in Korea, even if you hear about dating YouTubers
(68)The average monthly pay is 300 to 400
(69)He doesn’t even think about it
(70)You have to get married to raise the fertility rate
(71)I’ve naturally ruled out 80
(72)But even if you’re in your 20s and you’re getting married
(73)I mean, it’s not like that either
(74)That’s why everyone starts going crazy
(75)The sick are starting to get crazy
(76)It ended up getting harder to have a baby
(77)It’s because the cost of marriage in Korea is high and the house price is high
(78)I’m going to tell you that they have money
(79)Everyone, I’ve seen a drama before
(80)Two people from a couple like Goshitel came out to see a lot of things in Japan
(81)If you live, you fight
(82)I love you. There are a lot of stories about ordinary people like this. In Japan, go to the country
(83)a roar
(84)Even if I look at Japan’s blade of destruction, I feel like I’m wearing a hook when I look at my bookThey say they’re doing everything. That’s why
(86)It’s such an important value. I feel like I’m emphasizing the media and things like that
(88)That’s not the case in South Korea
(89)It’s very lowly and ends up destroying the ordinary life of ordinary people in the media
(91)The country has been simple about the most important things, and it has been the most important thing about wealth
(92)And the most
(93)If you look at the media right now, you say something. If you look at the solo, it’s over 40
(94)The girls came out and said, “I want to be in the shape of a string.”
(95)– e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e
(96)Hey! I don’t want to be punished
(97)How are you going to have a baby when your fertility drops to five? But the media is not talking about this. If the country released this properly, the fertility rate would have risen much higher than it was a few hundred times, but in Korea, it is no longer midnight
(98)- e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e
(100)But already
(101)It’s because I’ve been giving people a sense of victimization and instilling them in the most sinister way
(103)So I’m really sad. Now no one is telling the truth. You have to face the truth so no one is talking about it
(104)I’m trying to solve the problem
(105)e, e, e, e
(106)Everyone, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh You’re like this, and you’re blurry eyes
(107)The women who are driven to the edge of the cliff are said to be the poverty of that middle-aged woman. And that’s what happens when a generation is divided
(109)You don’t have to talk about it now. You’re going to talk like me, and you’re collectively lynching, so you can’t talk. Why
(110)You’re not going to do this
(111)Since I’m Hakko, I’ll come back like this later. Of course, I’ll be careful, thinking that I’ll stay like this for months
(113)There is no merit in getting old the oldest woman, but there are only many things I want from the world. 2 The most expensive guy who bought it and talked about gender equality when he got married is often called to the lowest rank
(114)More than a nail or a cat, in the house


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