The reason why my daughter Baehunter is skipping the Galaxy 24 Ultra

image text translation

(1)A lot of people are waiting for my review of S24U
(2)I didn’t buy the Galaxy 24 Ultra because it was not suitable for motorcycle reporting because I took out the 10x optical lens from the previous one
(3)Of course, except for the camera zoom function, the S24U is good, but daughter baehunters wait another year

image text translation

(1)Report the public interest in Seoul so that Korea doesn’t fail
(2)24 and 23
(3)Is there a big difference
(4)I don’t think I’ll change it if there’s no big difference. 21
(6)Lee Hunter Seoul
(7)For hunting, 23 is 21
(8)807 p.m
(9)Unpansed Daughter Bae Sa-hyung Ulsan Unpans 7 kills
(10)23-> Daepodong Missile
(11)24->Scud Missile
(12)813 PM
(13)Gangnam-gu Daughter’s Hunter Gangnam-gu


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