No-Kids Zones Are Controversial Among Parents

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(1)Our store is called ‘NoKidsZone
(2)which is operated by
(3)”No-kids zone to the restaurant” upsetParentsTopic

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(1)For the safety and consideration of our adult guests, we do not allow infants and children in our establishments.
(2)President “No dine-in, take-out only”

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(1)I said I’d dip it in a paper cup.
(2)The broth must be brewed by hand and
(3)If you spill the soup and get hurt, the store can’t compensate you~~.
(4)”If I spill fish cake soup and hurt myself, the restaurant won’t pay me

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(1)So I just said I’m not going to eat it.
(2)I’m so sad and in tears.
(3)”It’s like a real confession…it makes me cry” Toro

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(1)I can’t imagine how many times you’ve been through this, but I didn’t even know it was a no-kids zone.
(2)I didn’t ask the staff to put the oden in a paper cup, nor did I cry that I was eating it, but I’m a real popular person…??I wish the country would have some kind of restraint on No Kid’s Zone.
(3)”The country should have some restraint in no-kids zones”

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(1)NoKidsZone is called NoKidsZone for a reason
(2)I don’t see why the country shouldn’t allow it.
(3)Netizens “There are many business owners who have been wronged”


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