The only media that broadcasts special prosecutor Chae Sang-byeong’s rally.jpg

image text translation

(1)LIVE until the end
(2)’We call for the passage of the Marine Corps Special Prosecution Act, condemning its rejection’
(3)At this time, the Seoul Station pan-national rally
(4)((·) real time
(5)Seven pan-opposition parties urge passage of the Special Prosecutor Chae Sang-byeong Act
(6)NEWS Large-scale off-site rally – [LIVE to the end] MBC…
(7)MBCNEWS. 7.6 thousand people watching

image text translation

image text translation

(1)Special Prosecutor Chae Sang-byeong’s Act ‘Calls for Rejection and Passage’
(2)At this moment, the Seoul Station pan-national rally
(3)87.7 thousand

image text translation

(1)At this moment, a pan-national rally in Seoul Station calls for the passage of the Special Prosecutor Chae Sang-byeong Act.
(2)Eggplant LIV
(4)87.7 thousand




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