The quality of dog food these days…

Chinese food.Dog meat for pets.If you do that, it’s 7,000 won.7,000 won.Korean food…Jjimdak is for pets
7000 won.Munchare pet
7000 won.Western food.Mung-paghetti for pets.Pork cutlet sauce. For pets, it’s 9,000 won.7,000 won.Fast food.Mung pizza chicken leg set for pets.18,000 won.Street food.Mung-bokki for pets.Woof dog
6,000 won for pets.8,000 won.Mung kimbap for pets.8,000 won.Bakery…Hashball for pets.Sweet pumpkin muffin
5,000 won for pets.8,000 won.Cate
Beef liver chip muffin for pets.Lottooth cookie for pets
8000 won.5,000 won.It’s 8,000 won for your pet.Dry snacks.Duck lamb rice cake for pets.It’s 5,000 won for calf neck bones.5,000 won.Sotteok Simori Bong for pets
5,000 won.It’s 5,000 won for chicken jerky pets.Duckie for companion animals.It’s 5,000 won for shark cartilage pets.5,000 won.Vegetable milk gum for pets
5,000 won.Kangaroo tailbone pet
5,000 won.Cheese ball for pets.Quail Tongmari is 5,000 won for pets.5,000 won.We’re preparing to sell it.


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