“Abolition of comprehensive real estate tax” Go Min-jeong’s pack-filled comment.jpg

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(1)Go Minjeong·Follow
(2)14 hours.
(4)I think we need to restore the ‘housing ladder’ that allows people to move from monthly rent to jeonse and to owning their own home.
(5)At the plenary session in December 22, there was a vote on the (agreement between the ruling and opposition parties), and it was passed with 200 in favor, 24 against, and 34 abstentions out of 258 present. However, at the time, I I was opposed to the bill because I thought that in order for the housing ladder to work, the psychological Maginot Line of housing prices should not be broken, even through government intervention. However, our Democratic Party did not hesitate to break down the boundary, considering the comprehensive real estate tax as life-threatening. With the passage of time, the comprehensive real estate tax has become in tatters, unable to achieve its purpose of improving the fairness of the tax burden and balanced development of local finances due to various exceptions and relaxation measures.
(6)Real estate, which is both a market good and an essential good, requires policies to eradicate speculative practices in places where it serves as a market good and reduce tax burdens in places where it serves as an essential good. Of course, it is impossible to satisfy everyone, but the comprehensive real estate tax, which has lasted for 20 years, must now be comprehensively redesigned through an intense public debate process with national consensus.
(7)In the process, we should not consider the comprehensive real estate tax as a sanctuary that must be protected, but rather look at it from a practical perspective as to what kind of institutional design is needed to help the younger generation achieve their dream of owning their own home.
(8)Weakness cannot be defined solely by the size of capital.
(9)It should not be viewed only through the frame of good and evil.
(10)The task of strengthening the social safety net through rational redistribution of wealth is
(11)Although this is something we must continue to pursue, it remains unchanged.

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(1)No, the job of Democratic Party members is not to roll back the comprehensive real estate tax, but to break through the frame of the wealthy. At least if the Democratic Party wants to discuss the abolition of the comprehensive real estate tax, the first step is to carefully plan tax revenue and redistribution measures. It is not about designing a social safety net after the redistribution of wealth.
(2)What did the congressman who disappointed me say in that interview? The Democratic Party has become like a force that attacks homeowners and the rich with a comprehensive real estate tax? Since they can’t get votes by all means, they are a party of the working class and the middle class, and abolish the comprehensive real estate tax. Think about this, is this the right direction?
(3)Most of the younger generation, including me, are not unable to buy a house because of the comprehensive real estate tax, nor do they have the ability to buy a house worthy of paying the comprehensive real estate tax. I lost out in the youth housing lottery again, and all I hear is the news that I need to extend my lease… Read more
(4)13 hours Like Reply

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(1)There doesn’t seem to be any deep concern about the purpose of introducing a comprehensive real estate tax… Isn’t it a tax on owning unnecessary amounts of real estate? Why is youth self-ownership a problem here?
(2)If there is a problem with the addition method, it can be improved. Why discard it?
(3)6 hours Like Reply

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(1)I should have discussed it properly before talking about it.
(2)Thinking of only one thing and not of two… your skills are lacking.
(3)Mr. Yoon cut taxes for the rich and conglomerates.
(4)In a situation where the country is short of money
(5)Should I say this?
(6)We have to think about every part of the country before we speak.
(7)It would be better to quit being a member of the National Assembly.
(8)Red Party 2nd Company?
(9)Yoon Seok-yeol 2nd Company?
(10)13 hours Like Reply

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(1)If you want to abolish comprehensive real estate tax, you can go to the national government.
(2)It is nothing more or less than an ignorant remark that does not take into account the purpose and purpose of the political party’s platform or representative bill to which one belongs, as well as the party’s philosophy contained therein.
(3)Now that you’ve been elected, you have 4 years left? Or uh
(4)Have you become friends with D Construction Love?
(5)5 hours Like Reply

Does he really think about the ideology pursued by his political party?

He really seems to be a person whose mental state is questionable.

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