Why Lee Hwa-young’s ruling is a mess

Part of the ruling on the same case as Lee Hwa-young in 2023

Is that why?

The court says it will restrict reading of Lee Hwa-young’s decision.

Judge Lee Hwa-young (method) also knows that they are embarrassed.

The simple thing about judges is that when the prosecution solicits statements during the investigation process, makes up the case as if it were a novel, and submits a fabrication report, they tend to believe the contents without any discernment.

Since the prosecution knows the judges’ weaknesses better than anyone else, they can implicate or cover up innocent people for crimes whenever they want and send them to prison.

Especially when you get big politicians involved, they even raise a toast saying they did it.

In the second trial, it is expected to be completely overturned through the adoption of NIS document evidence.

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