Double parking standard

Post office vehicles have been double-parked like this for a year now. Even if you file a complaint with the apartment management office, they tell you to contact the relevant security office. But how will the security office take action to make it effective? Hahahahahaha Even if the neighborhood representative and the residents submit a petition, it has no effect. The only thing that comes back is a message from the post office owner, but more and more people return. I’m here^^

I went to the residents a few times and asked them to just let their cars pass, but the post office owner reported it to the police. So, even if the police came, they said they only came because they were reported, but because private land is not subject to crackdown, they can’t do anything about it.

I understand that they go out early in the morning and double-park because they are in the delivery business, but isn’t it too much to block traffic and even block the entrance like that? Please, I am in so much pain. Please tell me how I can get a fine or punishment. I get so stressed when I come to the parking lot in front of my house after work.

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