Rare pictures of each human body.

#1 Curl your tongue
Rare 60 희귀It’s the most common, but surprisingly, there are many people who can’t do it.It is said that rolling your tongue in a circle is possible by learning, but making clover
shapes is possible by genetics
#2 Dimple
Online community
Rarity 25 희귀Many people around me seem to have dimples, but
unexpectedly, only 25 people have dimples
Also, dimples are actually a weakness that causes less cheekbones.
[#3 Front teeth open wide]sumuela
Rarity, 20
In the Western world, this omnidirectional span, which is also an unexpected charm, is a feature that only 20 people are born with.However, most of the time, if you have such a fever, you will get braces 그러나#4 The thumb that bends backwards
Online community
Rareness 15
If you stretch your thumb and your finger is bent back, you’re the world’s best
15!This feature is also determined by genetics.
#5 Moving ears
Rareness 10 희귀Surprisingly, this characteristic that seems to be born with can be acquired through muscle
development near the ears
However, it’s quite difficult to develop the muscles.#6 Licking your nose with your tongue
Rarity 7
This feature is directly related to the length of the tongue, and the length of the tongue is determined by inheritance.
#7 Frog toes
Rare less than 5 희귀People’s foot muscles are divided into three little toes in the middle of their big toes
Most people can move their big toes, followed by those who can move only their baby toes separately, and the last step is those who can open all their toes
People who only know how to move their big toes won’t understand that they move their little toes separately.
#8 Birthplace Lulugong Earshoe Hole
Lankasri News
Rarity 3
Yi Rugong is a small gap caused by the lack of fusion in the process of making the front of the ears and face during the fetus period.Having lugong is not a big problem, but if you touch it often or if foreign substances accumulate in the hole, it can cause inflammation.#9 Lick your elbow with your tongue
Rare less than 1 희귀Licking your elbow with your tongue should fit not only the length of your tongue, but also the length of your 연 softness and arms.It’s not an ability that you can get easily just by practicing. Of course, you don’t have to practice for this.


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