Reddit) What is something you saw that you still can’t explain?.jpg

Of what you saw (whether it was scary or something)

What still can’t be explained?

When I was 17, my parents finally

He allowed me to ride my motorcycle to school.

In the country I live in, you can get a driver’s license as soon as you get your ID card.

One day, when I was coming home, I did something stupid that any teenager would do.

When the train was coming in, I tried to cross the crossing first.

My tires skidded and I panicked

The train started honking.

Then an old man appeared and right before the train passed by

They literally lifted me and my motorcycle and moved us off the track.

Because it happened so quickly,

I barely understood what was happening.

My knees were shaking like crazy.

When I turned around to say thank you, he was nowhere to be found.

Because it was an open space, there was no place to hide.

I couldn’t find any trace of him anywhere. Did he run away?

Because it was about half a second after he had moved me to safety,

It felt like he had evaporated into a thin wisp of air.

Almost 14 years have passed.

Still, I get goosebumps as I write this.

Because her father died when my wife was 10 years old.

I have never met my father-in-law.

My wife said that when she was young, her father sang a song called “Brown Eyes Girl.”

He said he used to play it in the kitchen and dance.

It’s a very meaningful song to her and her mother.

When my first daughter was born and my mother-in-law saw the baby for the first time

This was the song that was playing on the radio.

The song that came out of the hospital speakers right after my second daughter was born

It was this song. Pretty cool.

(Pump owner: I think it’s this song, but it may not be)

When I was a child we moved to a new house.

The bedrooms were all upstairs.

My sister and I stayed at home with my mom, and my dad was at work.

When the three of us were talking about something at the bottom of the stairs,

The DVD in my room (around the corner at the top of the stairs)

It literally flew down the stairs.

I didn’t fall or slip down the stairs,

He flew through the air and passed us by.

Then 10 minutes later my mom looked at me and my sister

I told them to take the laundry to our room. I was very scared back then.

Thinking of my grandfather in the summer of 2020

I was taking a walk in the woods next to my old house.

At that moment I heard his favorite song playing.

There was no one around. It still gives me goosebumps.

When I was 6 or 7 years old, my cat died.

Because it was my first time experiencing death.

That experience really shook me up.

Then after about a month I definitely

I saw my cat walking into my room.

I wasn’t surprised or questioned.

I reached out to pet her and she suddenly disappeared.

These things happen when we get two new cats.

It was repeated several more times until it grew further.

Every time this happens, the fact that he died

It had never crossed my mind.


Since it is a self-translation, there may be paraphrases or mistranslations… ?

I’ve never seen a ghost or anything like that before.

Maybe that could be better??


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There is no particularly interesting topic… What should I translate?

Shall we tell you about a mistake I made after drinking??

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