The best diet food that not many people know about

Typical foods that come to mind when thinking of dieting. There are a lot of chicken breasts, cherry tomatoes, bananas, sweet potatoes, etc.

The best food according to experts is onions.

Along with the nickname ‘the herb of elixir on the table,’ there is also a saying in the West that ‘if you take it every day, you won’t need a doctor.’

The reason why Chinese people have a lower incidence of heart disease compared to those who eat fatty foods is because onions are included in almost all Chinese dishes.

Let’s list the benefits of onions:

1. The ‘emulsified propallicin’ and ‘polyphenol’ components contained in onions prevent the binding of ‘dinitrates’ and ‘amines’ absorbed from eating salty foods.

It prevents digestive cancer and the ingredient ‘quercetin’ prevents the metastasis of carcinogens in the human body.

In addition, quercetin strengthens capillaries and softens hardened arteries.

Prevents blood clots from forming and prevents complications.

2. It stabilizes blood pressure and purifies the blood, making it good for arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure.

3. When the ‘aryl sulfide’ component contained in onions enters our body, it becomes ‘allicin’, which generates heat in the body, promoting metabolism and providing energy.

Helps with weight loss and diet and physical strength enhancement

4. The ingredient ‘emulhwa propyl allin’, which produces a spicy taste, lowers neutral fat and cholesterol and lowers blood sugar, making it effective in preventing diabetes.

Dieting is not just about losing numerical weight, but also considering the health of the entire body.

Therefore, the combined effects of onions are very effective in dieting.

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