Samsung Galaxy Domestic Discrimination Current Status

adobe premier

Korean version: 47 seconds 06

US version: 27 seconds 02

gopro quick

Korean version: 3 minutes 46 seconds 26

US version: 3 minutes 09 seconds 00


Korean version: 3 minutes 49 seconds 22

US version: 2 minutes 20 seconds 24

Samsung’s own editing app

Korean version: 27 seconds 02

US version: 19 seconds 23

Various results have shown that there is a difference in game performance as well.

The difference is more significant for simple video editing tasks.

When it comes to cars, the ones sold in Korea have naturally aspirated engines.

The one sold in the US is like a turbo engine for a cheaper price.

It makes more sense when you compare it with a car.

Since Galaxy is a monopoly, domestic consumers are no better than a stick.

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