Teaching AI to play tag

This time, we will teach you how to play tag.

In a closed space like this

The guy who stands out (


) and the catcher (


) will be released

The rules are simple

within a set time

When Kai touches Albert, Kai wins.

Otherwise, Albert wins.

At first, they didn’t even tell me the rules.

The two idiots were happy that their dream of owning their own home had come true, so they jumped around excitedly.

As time passes meaninglessly, of course Albert continues to win.

(Left 100.0 = Albert’s win rate, 0.0 = Kai’s win rate)

Then, by chance, Kai succeeded in touching Albert.

Kai now knows how to increase his win rate.

A lot of time has passed

While Kai’s win rate soars

Albert also learned something.

I found out that my chances of winning increase if I run away.

Albert began to avoid Kai.

Did you know that simply running away wasn’t enough?

Albert stepped on the sign indicating the odds and started to climb up.

Kai also knows this and gets angry before Albert goes up on the scoreboard.

A dildo is broken

As the number of games increases,

Albert’s winning percentage begins to hit rock bottom.

The strategy of stepping on the scoreboard doesn’t work anymore.

Then, when Albert cleverly places himself on the scoreboard and steps on Kai,

I found out about a bug that caused me to get kicked off the map.

What you see in the background is the original map hahaha.

Kai : ???? Where did Lee Sae-ki go..

That’s how Kai received a questionable loss.

Using the map like that was not in the original plan.

There is no way

Change the map and start teaching

Instead, this time, Albert and Kai have a white cube that they can push and move.

I installed an intermediate wall.

Both of us are confused because we don’t know what that is.

The pointless running around for a while started again.

Albert starts playing with the cube

Albert: I’m excited hahahaha.

As your winning rate gradually decreases

No more playing with blocks

Albert used to block Kai’s view.

It doesn’t stop there

I created a personality zone and started going around in circles.

Let Kai come to his senses again and take victory for a while.

Albert throws the box over there this time.

Kai : ??? What is that

Albert succeeded in extinguishing the aggro

When the aggro strategy started not working, he climbed onto the block he had left haha.

Albert, who learned how to use cubes before Kai, saw his win rate go up like crazy.

Albert knows that Kai doesn’t know how to use cubes well.

He took the cube to Kai’s camp and started behaving badly haha.

Is it because I was too harsh with the cube?

As Kaido learned how to use the cube, Albert kept losing.


Albert started using a bug that cleverly twisted the cube and caused it to fly away.

This guy hahahahahahahahahahaha

Kai left alone again

Kai: That guy is crazy…

Now he starts taking advantage of the bug by openly dragging the box towards himself first.

The owner changed the map again

Albert tries the bug again, but

The map penetration bug no longer works.

Albert: Oh, how good are you at patching bugs? Haha.

Meanwhile, Albert learned how to climb on the railing.

The winning rate starts to rise again.

But Kai is not stupid, so he learned it right away.

The win rate is getting closer and closer.

I wonder if I can just climb up the railing now.

Albert now starts throwing cubes at Kai…

Check out the video behind the scenes.


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