Middle school girl accused of being a thief

The father of middle school student B told Yonhap News, “My daughter bought a 3,400 won sandwich at Mr. A’s store late at night on the 29th of last month using ‘smartphone simple payment.'” He added, “When my daughter went back to the store two days later, there was a photo of her face attached. “He said.

He then complained, “My daughter was so shocked when she saw the picture of herself being framed as a thief that she can’t even study properly now,” and “How will I be able to show my face (in the neighborhood) from now on?”

At that time, Mr. A misunderstood Ms. B as a thief, captured the CCTV footage showing her face, printed it out on paper, and posted it inside the store. Below the photo, she wrote, “The woman who bought the sandwich, pretended to pay, then pressed the ‘reset screen’ button and just took it, did she kindly leave her face on the CCTV screen for me to catch? Please contact me.”

However, Ms. B’s sandwich price had been paid normally. Mr. A said, “Even now, there is no purchase history of Ms. B on the payment device (kiosk), but it appears that an error occurred. I contacted the simple payment company yesterday morning and confirmed that the payment was made normally.”

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