The relationship between China and Russia is rapidly becoming strange.

China is now

Standing tall in the world

We want to be seen as a country next to the United States.

They want a two-power system between the US and China.


Russia wants to remain multipolar.

The days of Pax America, the best on Earth, are over.

The various powers want to achieve balance.

China and Russia seem close, but

Always with each other

subtle expression

I look at it as

Although we were mired in the swamps of the Middle East and wasted a lot of national power,

America is America

So China and Russia temporarily joined hands.

Russia has a huge weight class and is good at long-term fighting.

All countries that invaded Russia

suffered a crushing blow


Mongolia, what the hell are you?



Basically, it is better not to go to war.

It is inevitable that a lot of national power will be wasted.

The last world war ended in victory for the Allies.

Britain is a mere victory

All the honor and culpability comes from making money by selling war materials.

The United States, which entered the war late in the war, took it.

As Russia becomes increasingly dependent on Chinese support,

In the West, Russia is now virtually

China’s economic dependency

Isn’t it true?

The story came out

Around this time, Putin and Xi Jinping are meeting.

China’s attitude toward Putin has changed compared to before.

Deep into the fight between Europe and Russia

It seems like he was worried about getting caught up.

At this point, if Russia becomes weaker, it is better for China.

What China wants is for the US and China to be two powers.

Putin also feels the severity of the current problem.

reduce dependence on China

It’s starting to show…

North Korea, which has a delicate relationship with China, meets with Vietnam.

Both North Korea and Vietnam (Vietnam War)

We received support from China and are still doing it for the economy.

We need China

Funnily enough

both go to china

I hate it.

China’s overt ambition and profit seeking

It always makes other countries shy away from China.

(Water cannon collision between Chinese and Vietnamese ships in the South China Sea)

Vietnam is engaged in neutral diplomacy and has relations with the United States and Russia.

If you become friendly with China, it will be difficult.

Vietnam is now a new factory to replace China.

It’s also a place that comes to mind

There is nothing bad about Vietnam

This is also true for other Southeast Asian countries.

Until now, we needed China for the economy.

Things are different now

What is the situation in Europe?

Now in all of Europe

A storm is brewing

Putin is a pro-Russian European

Welcome the new wind

What is the situation in the United States?

Former US President Donald Trump

If I become president, Ukraine and Russia

Let’s say we’ll end the war in one day

There was a ripple effect.

“We must have Russia as a partner to contain China.”

India claims neutrality and responds to sanctions against Russia

For not actively participating

with the united states

President Joe Biden, of course

I may feel sad, but

Why India won’t let go of Russia

In the border dispute between India and China

We need Russia to keep China in check

You will understand that this is because

In line with the United States’ interest in suppressing China,

There are aspects that match

“The United States is widening the gap between India and Russia.

“It doesn’t make sense strategically.”

“Rather they (India and Russia) work together

“You should be happy about what exists.”

The difficult thing is that, for now, it is China.

But international politics

complicated and complicated

I don’t know how things will change again

we live in this world

All full-scale movements will be made by the next US President.

Depends on who it will be

All countries around the world

‘That fateful day’

That’s why I’m holding my breath and watching

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