“”””Tuchel also stepped up to help””””… A situation where it was possible to appoint a master coach as well.

Thomas Tuchel, who was a teacher during his time at Mainz, also tried to help the Korean national team.

Commissioner Park Joo-ho said, “There was also Tuchel’s head coach. Since I am always in direct contact with the person closest to Tuchel, I said without expecting, ‘Can you help me with Korea?’ But coach Tuchel said he wanted to rest. “The response was, ‘Then what about the head coach?’”

Commissioner Park Joo-ho continued, “I asked what the advantages and disadvantages of appointing a domestic coach were. However, when explaining the foreign coach, I talked about the disadvantages, such as this being bad, that being bad, etc. However, there was no such discussion at all with the domestic coach.” added.

Commissioner Park Joo-ho said, “In fact, there was a feeling inside that it was continuously flowing towards Director Hong Myung-bo.


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