A high school girl from a study cafe featured on the news

Mr. A said on the night of June 15th,

There was no rain forecast, so I left work with the window in the study cafe lounge open.

But the next morning, we found that there had been unexpectedly heavy rain.

I rushed to work expecting that the break room would be a mess due to heavy rain, but

Contrary to expectations, the window was closed and the table was clean.

Mr. A, who checked the CCTV in confusion, was surprised.

attending a nearby high school

The main characters were two third-grade girls.


These two students

I found the break room ruined by rainwater,

I quickly closed the window and wiped the messy table with a tissue.

After that, after everything was cleaned up, I quietly left the lounge.

In a phone call with YTN, Mr. A said, “Others may have just passed by, but

“I was really grateful to the two students for organizing it as if it were their own.”

“To the students

I gave him a piece of cake as a thank you note.

“he said.

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