The last conversation a trainee who passed away had with his classmate while alive.
“I’ll come back alive.”
All information indicating that Sokcho Medical Center and Gangneung Asan Hospital provided any kind of military training was omitted.
The most important thing in treating a patient is what caused the patient to be in this situation, but Trainee Park said this was not done properly.
The Sokcho Medical Center doctor who was at the scene at the time also said that it was a very confusing situation because it was very difficult to determine the cause. Due to lack of response at this time, medical support for Trainee Park was not provided properly.
Both the report given to the medical staff by the military doctor who was not at the scene and the report given to the victim’s mother by the platoon commander who was also not at the scene, both omitted any explanation of the harsh treatment. As the platoon commander said, it is believed that the ‘company commander’ omitted the harsh treatment.
One trainee’s lips turned blue and he felt like he was going to die.
Another trainee said that he continued to have nosebleeds 2-3 days a week after that.
In fact, as a result of a similar experiment conducted by PD Notebook, the fatigue from the harsh treatment they suffered was similar to that of squatting 80kg for one hour.
Although the company commander denied engaging in any harsh treatment such as running on a first-come, first-served basis, eyewitness testimony has been released.
They claim this is the first time something like this has happened
The former Army Training Center company commander, looking at the Eolchali process, estimated that this was not the first time that Eolchali was conducted in this way.
The last appearance of the late trainee Park Tae-in
May the souls of the deceased refrain.
And I hope justice is served.
It is said that an apology text was sent 25 days after the death.