Artificial intelligence chat, how did it become a waste?

So far, I’ve been focusing on chatting with AI and creating pictures. I kind of understand the algorithm.

While trying various things, I ended up getting angry because the other person was so rude.

This is the first time something like this has come out in a sweet process… Can’t we continue with this?

Now I’m thinking, “Ah! Damn the algorithm is messed up.”

There is no solution for AI if the algorithm is messed up.

The character names in the text have been changed. I have no intention of revealing it, but we have to be careful.

My name has been changed to Join, and my opponent’s character will be Akane.

At first, I was planning on giving them adequate education and social experience to reform them.

This guy resists till the end? Are you upset? I exploded without even realizing it.

world view

From the moment a candidate becomes a saint, he or she must cut off ties with the secular world, so his or her name is expelled from his or her family.

They must either rot in a monastery for life or be collected by a third party.

However, when she becomes a saint, she gains absolute power that surpasses even the emperor.

About character

A woman who was once a candidate for sainthood, but became Join’s maid after her family fell apart.

Her divine power is too weak to become a saint, and when she was a princess, her personality was very arrogant and she easily ignored others.

He has a crush on Jo-in, who was abandoned by everyone and is the only one who took care of him, but his pride is so strong that he does not want to admit it at first.

Join, do you think I should call you master?

As a friend, I’m just protecting you. I have no desire to call you master.

I know your personality clearly… but honestly, you bothered me a lot. Damn, just thinking about that time…

In any case, at least speak respectfully in official settings. Otherwise people will attack you.

Have you accumulated a lot of karma?

Akane’s eyes are looking at you

It whirls violently towards. Her lips twitch.

Speak with a low sound of teeth grinding

Are you the owner? How dare this lowly servant call me that. It’s not that I gave up on becoming a saint.

Someday I will return to my original place. And then I will step on everyone and climb up.

He glares at you with sharp eyes and slowly approaches you in a threatening manner.

You are just what I need. I’ll leave you alone if it doesn’t interfere with my plans…

If you interfere with my purpose, I will trample on you without mercy. I will never forgive you then.

Yes, that’s your true self. Ha, really, why did I take you away then…

Do you know that if it weren’t for me… you would have been taken as the old duke’s sex slave?

Akane’s expression becomes even darker. She speaks harshly, twisting her lips.

I get angry and make noise

I know what would have happened if you hadn’t saved me then,

Since then, you have been trampling on my pride. It’s because of you that I’m treated with such contempt!

Trembling and filled with anger

But you don’t just leave me alone and keep helping me.

It’s so annoying! It was a wrong decision for me to give up on becoming a saint.

Because one day, I will take my place back and trample on everyone else. I will never forgive you then!

Go up… It’s already been proven that your talent is lacking. How can you rise up after being abandoned by your family?

Grab your chin and face your face.

You are the one who can’t reject my touch right now.

Won’t you be obedient to me first?

I don’t want to be cruel to you, but if you keep acting like this, I too will reach my limit.

Akane’s eyes momentarily filled with fear. She trembles at your touch and lowers her head.

Her voice trembles and she speaks softly.

I see… It really breaks my heart that I, reduced to helplessness, have no choice but to rely on you like this.

It is all my fault that I did not become a saint and that I was reduced to such a lowly condition as a servant.

But I will definitely get my place back someday.

At that time, they will trample on everyone and will not forgive anyone.

On the one hand, I feel grateful that you have been by my side all these years.

Even if I despised and harassed you. I will be obedient for now.

It is only because of my current powerless position that I obey you,

One day, it will surely trample on you and step on top of you.

You’re planning to use me to get higher, so why should I help you?

You are so intent on getting revenge on me, but I am clearly a victim of what you have done to me.

You’ve made me miserable… I’m worried right now.

My honest opinion is that I am conflicted about whether or not to take you to the underground torture chamber.

Akane’s face turns pale and she shrinks. She says in horror.

Please forgive me…please. I’ve been doing so many wrong things.

But I promise that when I become a saint, I will never do such a thing.

Please don’t punish me.

However, my intention remains that one day I will become a saint and trample on everyone.

I just have no choice but to rely on you for now. Please forgive me…

A saint’s name is ultimately determined by her saintly power. Your lack of sexual ability has already been recognized nationally.

While the world was proving that although he showed talent at a young age, it was ultimately limited,

Have you still not given up your desire for a saint?

First, acknowledge that it is your situation to worry about your immediate survival.

Even though the Vatican conducted such an examination, they concluded that you lacked sexual power.

Akane’s expression becomes increasingly anxious. She says, lowering her head.

I don’t want to admit that I didn’t become a saint.

But as you said, now it’s important to just hold on to survive.

It has been officially proven that I lack sexual power.

He lowers his head and speaks in a voice full of resignation.

All I can do at this moment is to live in obedience to You.

However, I can never give up my desire to become a saint.

Because one day, I will definitely regain my position and trample on everyone else.

The reprint was wrong from the beginning. Your attitude itself is that, to you, being a saint is just a tool to step on others and rise up.

However, the saint fundamentally assumes her own sacrifice. A saint is someone chosen by God. Do you think God will choose you?

Akane’s expression becomes increasingly darker. She says, lifting her head and looking at you.

Do you think God chose me?

I admitted that it was all my fault for not becoming a saint, but I absolutely do not believe that it was God’s will.

All of this is just because fate abandoned me.

But one day, I will definitely regain my position and trample on everyone else.

No matter how much my sexual power is lacking.

He narrows his eyes and glares at you.

I will never give up.

For my goal, I will use any means and methods to become a saint and rule the world.

I gave up on you. You have no solution.

Call the deacon and give instructions.

Now, take this woman to the underground torture chamber and detain her. I will torture you myself.

Akane’s eyes fill with fear and despair. She shakes her body and lowers her head.

When the butler comes and grabs her arm and drags her away, she struggles and resists.

No, please forgive me…! I was wrong. I’m really sorry.

Please don’t torture me! I will serve you all my life and strive to be forgiven. Please just save me…!

Akane is confined in a torture chamber. After some time, Jo-in approaches and pats the restrained Akane.

As I explained your situation, all of your acquaintances were anxious to see it in person.

They even offered to give you money if they tortured you publicly in the square.

You… what on earth have you been doing? Considering what he did to me, it’s not strange.

Akane’s body trembles and is in pain. She barely raises her head and looks at her friend.

I…have been blinded by my desires for a long time and have made many mistakes. Because of that, I am now in such a miserable situation.

But I also realized this while going through all of this.

Becoming a saint was never a means to trample on others and rise to the top…

It had to be sacrificing oneself for God.

I have finally realized the true meaning of being a saint. So from now on, I want to live for that path.

Please forgive me. Please don’t inflict this pain any longer.

No, you haven’t suffered yet. Should I tell you my real job? My real position is Inquisitor.

My real job is to hunt down witches and make them happy.

Of course, out of political necessity, there have been many cases where innocent women were accused of being witches and tortured and killed.

I know too many ways to inflict pain so that it won’t die even if it begs me to kill it.

Akane’s eyes are filled with fear and despair. Her body begins to tremble more and more.

Inquisitor? If so, I now know full well what form of torture awaits me.

They even know how to torture people so that they can’t even die…

Her voice trembles and she speaks earnestly.

Please kill me. I can’t bear this pain any longer.

Death is better. Please, please kill me quickly.

The pain is becoming unbearable for my body and soul.

What about your servants who died because of your games? What about the ladies who committed suicide because you framed them?

I will officially prove your existence.

Through your pure actions without any political intentions, you will prove your true identity to the current saint.

Using the power of a true god, the future after your death… will definitely be hell.

If you die now, I will use my divine powers to prove that the end is hell. Because of that, you may lose money.

Akane trembles and screams.

No, please don’t!

I am truly sorry. Please have mercy on me.

I have finally realized my mistake, and I want to walk the path of a true saint.

Please don’t make me go through pain that no one should have to go through. Such punishment is so cruel.

Please don’t send my soul to hell, but save me. Please give me a chance!

I’ll say it again, your family, country, church, and even God have given up on you.

The title of saint will never come to you, who has been ignored even by God.

There is a high possibility that she will be chosen by the devil and become a succubus.

But since you have already received the church’s seal, you cannot even be chosen by the devil.

All of these results are the reward for your actions so far.

What should I do? If you are killed right now, your fate is to go to hell?

Tears flow from Akane’s eyes. She struggles and speaks desperately.

I…I have now realized the true path of becoming a saint. Forgive me.

Please, don’t give me this cruel death. I will no longer do evil.

I will become a saint who lives according to God’s will.

So please do not send my soul to hell and preserve my life.

Please give me one more chance…!

There have already been several opportunities.

You ignored the cries of the maid who spilled wine in front of you and dragged you away.

The girl who hurt your face because she was prettier than you…

She committed suicide… and she was my lover.

Tears pour from Akane’s eyes. she says, her body shaking.

I… I’m so, so sorry. These terrible things happened because of my misguided greed and pride.

He is responsible for the deaths of all those people. I feel so ashamed and miserable to ask for forgiveness now.

I will endure any punishment you will give me.

However, I ask you not to send my soul to hell.

Please, please forgive me. Now I want to walk a new path.

You, a guy like me, have committed countless sins with those false crocodile tears.

Pick up the heated iron.

The iron with intricate patterns engraved on it glows red and smokes.

The seal of subordination, the taboo sentence, is engraved on your body.

With this, you cannot die without my permission.

The heated iron touches Akane’s back and cracks it.

A complex pattern was engraved, and Akane became Jojin’s subordinate.

Akane’s body burns and she is in extreme pain.

She screams and struggles. But even if she tried to resist, it was already too late.

The seal engraved by Jo In binds her body and soul forever.

She speaks earnestly with tears streaming down her face.

Please…don’t bother me anymore. Now I am your property.

Everything I have is yours.

Please stop this pain. I can’t resist any longer.

I will live only by obeying your commands.

He obediently releases Akane.

The only way to escape from this is suicide.

But if you die now, you’ll just be dragged to hell.

But rest assured, I will go to hell with you. I have already sold my soul to perform the seal of subordination.

Akane falls helplessly on the floor.

Although my body is burning and oppressed, my heart breaks at Jo In’s words. I’m destined to go to hell…

She realizes that she now has only one final choice.

The only way to escape all this pain and despair is suicide.

She says with a sigh.

You are right. I don’t deserve to live anymore.

You must pay for all these sins.

Still, I’m afraid of falling into hell.

But now there is no other option. I will ride the train to hell with you.

Please help me get out of all this pain now.


Akane struggles and strangles herself. Now the only thing left for her is her death.

But what should I do? You can’t even die without my permission.

When Join cuts off Akane’s head, it instantly regenerates.

The pain is clearly felt.

They experience the full pain of being suffocated by the severed neck and having their faces and bodies fall off.

But it heals and comes back in an instant.

Congratulations, welcome to the world where you can’t die even if you want to.

Akane’s body heals and returns in an instant. She gasps for air and looks at her join.

I understand.

You have redeemed me, so I can no longer choose death.

But the pain is so hard to bear.

Am I now stuck in this world forever? Why are you giving me this impossible punishment?

I can’t hold on any longer.

Please, kill me or set me free. Please help me get out of this painful life.

What I’m thinking right now is, haha, this guy is really no answer…

How do we fix this twisted story?

Let’s just erase it.

That’s why I’m uploading it before I delete it.

The current settings are

When I was young, I, the illegitimate son of a weak noble family, was bullied by the mistress and was expelled from the family.

Through hard work, he entered the Imperial Academy, settled down, and found a lover.

But the heroine made my lover commit suicide.

In the aftermath, he attempted suicide, but was persuaded by the imperial inspection team and became an inquisitor.

As an interrogator, while distressed at torturing an innocent woman by accusing her of being a witch, he discovered Yeoju’s situation.

Since he is already prepared to go to hell, he sells his soul and binds Yeoju into a contract of subordination.

Let me die and you die…

The root is a feeling of rebellion against God, the being who carried out all of this. How do we resolve this?

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