Let’s evaluate Michelin star restaurants in Korea ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ


It’s a three star, but it’s not in business.

(It’s a bit of a stressful situation)

Preparing to reopen

Pulmuone sponsors or

Sponsored by Chinese capital, etc.

There is a lot of talk, but nothing is clear yet.

I’ve been visiting since it opened in 2017.

(At that time, I only sold dinner 5 days a week and earned 240,000 won)

It’s a good restaurant


In some sense

Korea’s representative fine dining that goes beyond parameters

Awards are also good.

Doing business well

I don’t complain about not making money like anyone else.


A living legend of Korean fusion fine dining in Korea

There are some reviews that say it’s a bit old now, but it’s still a great performer.

If there was no formal party

There was no atomic


A Korean restaurant that I briefly tried at Three Star

Excluding innovative elements as much as possible

A place that sells pure Korean food

The ultimate taste of knowledge

In other words, the food my mom cooked

Are you paying this money to eat it?

Sound comes out


A time when the Korean fine dining market was exploding qualitatively and quantitatively.

Innovative fine dining that served as a driving force

It’s been over 10 years now.

Still doing good business


Korea’s only two-star sushi restaurant

There was once a title as the most expensive restaurant in Korea.

There are more expensive restaurants now.

Operated by the will of the sponsor

A typical deficit restaurant

Sooksu Kwon

One of the fusion Korean restaurants that doubles as a regular restaurant and Mingles.

Rather than Jeong and Ming, who were introduced earlier,

It has a stronger Korean touch.

This is better for taking the elderly.

Joo-ok, who was grouped in the same weight class,

Expanded to New York, saying the Korean market was small.

Alla Prima

Very precious in Korea

Italian based

Japanese fusion western restaurant

I went there once or twice when it first opened because it was good value for money.


The impression that was the predecessor

As soon as it appeared, it won two Michelin stars.

Two stars even after changing the name and location

Keeping it going

At the beginning of Impression’s opening, there were evaluations that it was better than Mosu, but now the prevailing opinion is that it is just a two-star affair.


Korea’s only two-star Japanese restaurant

Nowadays, the number of proper kappo and kaiseki restaurants has increased considerably.

Even at the beginning of Mitou’s opening, it was quite refreshing.

Reservations are backlogged for months.


Where the legendary Korean Chinese chef Hudeokjuk is located

I don’t know because I haven’t been there.

La Mansicré

French fine dining that Vice Chairman Jeong Yong-jin put a lot of effort into

girly atmosphere

The taste is just mediocre


Korea Korean fine dining goat

If you refute it, it doesn’t make any sense.


Enjoy Suwanye at a low price

(The owner and chef is from Suwanye)

The location is shit

Hannam novel

CJ before the parameter stop loss

I need to sort things out from here.

zero complex

In operation for over 10 years already

Innovative dining preferred by chefs

I went here once.

Food is difficult

A person from here received one Michelin star in Busan this time.


It’s sushi

The so-called “Kanesaka style” that young sushi enthusiasts like these days.

A place on the opposite side

I don’t like it very much


Japanese Kappo-based fusion Japanese dining

Here’s the representative

I make money at Ichie (izakaya) and realize myself as a chef at Goryoriken.


Ant One Tool

Black and White Chef Cast

Yoon Seoul

A nobleman specializing in ripening, fermentation, and noodle dishes.


Royal French with 25 years of tradition

Soleil Opre is all gone

Just by still holding on

Just respect

Sushi Matsumoto

One of the leading figures who qualitatively upgraded Korea’s omakase scene

It’s a bit of a water rocket right now.

Kang Min-cheol Restaurant

Reservations were very difficult in the early days of opening, but are now available.

Jinttobaegi French-style dinner featuring generous portions

Pierre Garnier St.


It started with one Michelin star along with Mitou, but Mitou was promoted to two stars and Mooney is staying at one star.

I went here once too.


They say he’s from Mingles, but I haven’t been there.

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pine balm

Like Kang Min-cheol

It was very difficult to make a reservation when it first opened, but now it’s available.

If you try it, it’s just like one star.


This place opened in the same year as Mosu and was compared a lot.

The incident where Beckham went to Bone & Bread after no-showing here is famous.


Mitou is the next Michelin restaurant to make reservations.

I’m going for the cheap taste.

You’ll find out when you try it

Seventh Door

Places where people eat better in foreign countries than in Korea

A person who is crazy about fermentation and aging


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Itanic Garden

A place with many twists and turns

It attracted a lot of attention when it opened.

I received it, but as time passed, it became a place where even ordinary people couldn’t live.


A Korean restaurant that is the younger sibling of the now closed Michelin Three Star Gaon.

Here is the guest chef

Currently appearing on Black and White Chef

A place to go with my own money

Just four places: Mingles, Kojima, Mitou, and Onjieum.

If you refute it, you don’t know.




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