They didn’t touch women and children

Jeong Il-su, a legendary pirate of the 19th century Qing Dynasty

He was a pirate king with over 1,000 ships.

At its peak, the number of subordinates was close to 50,000.

Gagyeong, who was the emperor at the time, attempted to eradicate the pirates by involving England and Portugal.

Ultimately, the effort to eradicate Jeong Il-soo’s pirate group failed.

When it finally reached a point where subjugation was impossible, the

1. Punish only the minimum number of people and pardon everyone else

2. Ownership of all property looted by Jeong Il-soo’s pirates is acknowledged.

3. Disband all pirates and ships

Negotiation was attempted under the condition, and Jeong Il-soo accepted it.

At the time of this negotiation, there were close to 10,000 subordinates.

As promised, only 126 of those subordinates were executed.

She was recognized as the owner of all the looted goods and died after living a wealthy life with her husband, sitting on a cushion of money.

Meanwhile, Jeong Il-soo’s pirate team, which boasted an undefeated legend, was famous for its very strict discipline.

Although it was not specifically set as a rule, there was one characteristic that most of the members shared.

That’s right…

It is said that Jeong Il-soo’s pirate crew did not touch the women and children, but for some reason the men who were taken did not return.

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