Typical symptoms of depression.jpg

When you look at people diagnosed with depression, there are problems with
words that you already knew, and you can’t continue
talking properly, and when you talk to people, you just repeat that
.20171218am 215am
I like the 6871st episode of Retweet. The 1990th episode.Go!I have forgetfulness among the symptoms of depression. Since it’s a brain disease,
maybe because the brain is multifunctional, various symptoms such as forgetfulness,
dietness disorder, insomnia, anxiety disorder, and self-distrust come like
complexity. When I get a mental illness, I feel like I’m taking care of it for the rest of my life rather than complete recovery.01
♡ 635


He’s suffering from depression and his memory is getting worse at a scary pace. Not only do I not remember what I ate yesterday, but I also forget what I’ve been thinking about. I even forget what I just did and repeat what I did it over and over again.
I’m scared. It feels like I’m becoming a different person. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go back.2018 223 PM 613
I like the 9831st episode of retweet. 3646th episode.

As I suffer from depression, not only does my memory deteriorate, but also my positive emotions such as joy, happiness, compassion, etc. become dull and sensitive to only
negative emotions such as anger or sadness, so I can’t enjoy reading or watching movie music compared to the past. That’s so sad. 02/27/2018 in the morning.


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