Recent status of mass assault on middle school girls in Mongolia.jpg

The video where the perpetrator’s face was covered and circulated.IS 000 scary and I’m easy? – No, I’m not easy.
I want to be a free lawyer for the victim.Forcing two bottles of soju, vomiting, cheeks, running away, tied wrists, mass assault
The perpetrators put “
” on the victim’s face.Mongolian rag, stone head, etc.I scribbled something insulting.Put your head in the toilet.Feed him apple vinegar.I even licked the urine.
and distributed that video.It was traded at 5,000 won.
No.4, 8 hours of community service.
The victim is…They didn’t even know what kind of measures the perpetrators had no idea.
The victim is a member of the school violence committee.I couldn’t even attend.
At the school violence committee, where the victim was belatedly reopened with a lawyer, a member of the school violence committee said, “Isn’t it because the victim didn’t make a statement?”He blamed the victim.Weibo.I’m talking about it as a police officer
life senior, but you were attracted for no reason, so I got hit while drinking together
Why is it too early?And a police officer said something ridiculous to the victim.Original
The investigation is still underway.
The lawyer said the investigation is underway again.

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